29 January 2015


Every once in a while I find myself in the throes of major creative envy. Spying Eric Marinovich's lettering project "Do Not Open"—wherein he will address a padded envelope to you in super fancy typography—I felt a internal pang of jealousy mixed with a major amount of awe. I mean, really, how fabulous are these? Too pretty for the mail, you would have to frame them and hang them proudly in your house, right? They would make a good housewarming gift or simply a 'hey-you-love-typography-so-here's-something-special-to-make-you-smile' gift. You know, for type nerds like me. (wink wink)
Check more of Marinovich's fancy pen styling here.

27 January 2015


WOW. These photographs, taken by Washington-based photographer Angela Kelly, are spectacular. Kelly shot these images of bubbles in the midst of freezing before dawn, where you could see each facet of crystallization forming in all their perfect geometric glory. A perfect set of images for a cold snowy day, don't you think?See more of Kelly's work here and learn more about the frozen bubble shots here.
(Like bubbles? Check these out! Or how about these beauties?)

26 January 2015


So I am not a tattoo girl myself—I could never decide on something I know I would like forever—but I have to say that these designs are awesome. All inspired by classic modern artworks, they are part of a round up put together by Jerry Saltz of 'the best art tattoos of all time'. Super cool, right?Read the full list—including former Whitney colleague Carter Foster's commissioned Ellsworth Kelly design!—here.

23 January 2015


I haven't done a 'My Dream Home' post in a while and I thought I would revisit the series in full force: with my dream kitchen! I really enjoy cooking and, while I love our NYC apartment, the vision of cooking in a kitchen someday that isn't approximately the size of a postage stamp sends thrills of pleasure down my spine. Here is a round up some kitchen ideas I would love to incorporate into my 'someday' home . . . 
(FYI, all links are listed top to bottom with descriptions of the images)
above | A white color palette with light marble/stone countertops. I know this will sound crazy but I love the clean aesthetic of white on white in a kitchen, particularly if you can pair them with dark floors. I'd actually rather be able to see the mess I have to clean and clean it than hide it on dark counter or cabinets.links | wooden floors, wood breakfast bar stools, cookbook shelf and potted plants, stainless steel appliances, bird sculpture, farmhouse sink, vase of tulips
Click through the link below to see more of my picks!

21 January 2015


Sometimes it's the simplest ideas that have the most powerful results: The Fans was an art installation created for the  LYNfabrikken Box exhibition space in Aarhus, Denmark in early 2014. The project sought to combine the physicality of color with the dynamism of motion. Using electric fans retrofitted with specially colored blades and programmed to run at different speeds and intervals, The Fans created a choreography of color that revealed a flow of fiery ombre waves throughout the space.

Like so many cool projects hosted in Europe, I wish I could have seen this in person! No matter, you can learn more about The Fans here and here.

19 January 2015


How hilarious are these cards by illustrator Emily McDowell? So after greeting can seem staid or trite—after all people have been having babies and birthdays since the beginning of time and it's hard to find new ways to say 'Yay!'. But McDowell has some pretty clever takes on celebrating those important moments in our lives, plus some lovely illustrations to boot. Bonus: she also reproduces her work onto bags, mugs, prints and more. I recommend you check them all out here.

(Thanks to A Cup of Jo for the tip!)

15 January 2015


Remember last year when I vowed to get organized and whipped up a bunch of cool calendars, to lists and other dastardly printable tools to keep me on track? Well I am back at it again with an updated 2015 edition! Hat tip to my favorite Austrian reader, Julia, for putting in the request for these babies and forcing me to get my butt in gear. So, let me present to you . . . . 

a monthly calendar and weekly to do list, 8.5" x 11" (download here)

a monthly calendar and master goal list, 4" x 6" (download here)

a weekly to do list, 4" x 6" (download here)

a master to do list, 4" x 6" (download here)

 . . . . and, last but not least, a flexible three month planning calendar, 8.5" x 11" (download here)

Hope you like these! Fingers crossed I follow my own advice and get myself back into the swing of things pronto. :)

In the meantime, happy weekend!

p.s. Notice how I am burning the midnight oil in the photo at the start of this blog post? I make up for late night with confetti, though, so it's all good!

09 January 2015


I got a really nice email from A.C. at Warby Parker this week giving me a little tip: WP just came out with this year's Annual Report. You may remember my excitement last year about this yearly report because Warby Parker has a way of making utilitarian things incredibly cool and fun (as I recount in this post!). 

Well this year's may be a new high. Instead of a static document recounting facts about the company the 2014 Annual Report is all about you! Yes, you!

When you head to view the report (here), you are (brilliantly!) prompted to created a retelling of your year.

Just answer some fun questions and before you know it you are presented with . . . 


 . . . . a chart that records your chuckling percentage for the last twelve months . . .   

. . . . your 2014 spirit animal and an accounting of the dance moves you learned . . . 

. . .  and, of course, a take on what you have to look forward to for 2015. :) 

This is King's Random signing off . . . 

Try out your own report here and check out all the other cool stuff Warby Parker is doing here.

06 January 2015


Happy New Year! How was your holiday? I spent the majority of it alternating between bouts of rolling around in the snow, bingeing on sugar, reading, doing jigsaw puzzles, cuddling my hubby and napping. Guilty pleasures all around. Isn't that what the holidays are for?!

I am back in action here in New York and excited for 2015! I am planning to share some goals with you (as I did last year here) shortly, but in the meantime wanted to indulge in one last guilty pleasure: Pitch Perfect! I watched the original (more info on it here) with my in-laws recently and they loved it. It's total brain candy but who cares. It's fun! I was so psyched to hear that they were doing a remake. Bring back Fat Amy Fat Patricia!!!

Learn more about the sequel here.

What's your guilty pleasure?