27 May 2014


I have an Ikea couch. I am fairly certain many of you reading this right now also own Ikea furniture. Here's the thing: I love my Ikea couch but, after five years of hard use, it is starting to look a little dingy. So last night in a fit of productive procrastination from writing my dissertation, I decided to research slipcovers sold by external companies for Ikea sofas. And viola! Enter Bemz! It's a company that works with top tier fabric designers to create cool high-quality big personality slipcovers for standard Ikea furniture. Pretty cool right?

They have a ton of fabrics to choose from so you can pick the pattern and color that perfectly suits your space and style. The standard slipcover for my model of sofa costs about $190. Not bad for an easy overhaul that could potentially turn the piece from drab to fab in a matter of minutes!

After some additional web browsing I also discovered the company Pretty Pegs, which sells screw-on legs for Ikea couches, chairs and now tables and desks!

These pretty little legs also come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes allowing you to customize your couch to your heart's content. 

So, which set of legs and cushion covers should I go for? Any thoughts? Let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking turquoise and lime :-) or step back to just turquoise (nevermind that when it comes down to it I go for 'midnight'
