Hi friends! How are you? How was your weekend? I had a lovely weekend and am happy to report that this week is shaping up to be pretty good too! If it's cool with you, I would like to gush a little bit about some fun things that have happened recently.
On Saturday I found out that Refinery29—the amazing fashion and lifestyle website—did a fabulous feature on our wedding! You may remember the post Martha Stewart Weddings did about it in February; being included on Refinery29 too is a dream come true!
The hubby and I also spent the weekend in Durham, North Carolina for the wedding of two very dear friends. We spent hours and hours wandering through the lush Sarah P. Duke Gardens on the Duke University campus. It's in full spring bloom right now and was spectacularly fragrantly floral.
We also ate ourselves silly in true southern style: fried chicken and sweet potato waffles with herbed mac and cheese at Dame's, blue cheese bacon burgers at Only Burger, and strawberry rhubarb ice cream sandwiches with chocolate fudge cookies at Parlour. Needless to say we practically had to roll ourselves home!

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