Hey there, what did you get up to this weekend? I spent much of it working on a fun new project (to be announced later this week!) and hanging out with friends. I caught the fabulous 'Le Petit Prince' show at the Morgan before it closed, ate a delicious brunch at Penelope, and bought my weight in spring flowers (cherry branches, narcissus, tulips) in the Green Market.But by far the most spectacular thing I did was attend Judy Chicago's fireworks piece in Prospect Park called 'A Butterfly for Brooklyn' (my photos above). The work involved a patterned layout of road flares combined with a dazzling display of vertical projectiles. Chicago first performed fireworks pieces in 1970 and this project was created in tandem with the Brooklyn Museum's new show, Chicago in L.A.: Judy Chicago's Early Work, 1963-1974.Interested? You can watch the whole piece here.
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