30 April 2014


I just stumbled across The Color Condition's website and, I have to say, I am intrigued and delighted. Their scaffolding of colorful streamers—erected at parties, museums and stores alike—reminds me a bit of Confetti System, only on a much bigger scale. I love the idea of defining an outdoor space with a string of brilliantly colored streamers, creating the perfectly festive atmosphere for a garden wedding or backyard bbq this summer.

There is more inspiration to be had at The Color Condition's website; check it out for yourself here.

(thanks to You Are My Fave for the tip)

29 April 2014


I think I just found my color soulmate. Her name is Naomi Wilkinson and she is an illustrator based in Bristol, England. Her work has appeared in numerous publications and her blog is chock full of pretty people drawings amidst gorgeously colorful backgrounds. Plus she illustrates maps! I think I just felt my heart flutter with excitement. Get your color rush too by checking out all the goodness here.

(Thanks to DesignLoveFest for the tip.)

28 April 2014


Hey there, what did you get up to this weekend? I spent much of it working on a fun new project (to be announced later this week!) and hanging out with friends. I caught the fabulous 'Le Petit Prince' show at the Morgan before it closed, ate a delicious brunch at Penelope, and bought my weight in spring flowers (cherry branches, narcissus, tulips) in the Green Market.But by far the most spectacular thing I did was attend Judy Chicago's fireworks piece in Prospect Park called 'A Butterfly for Brooklyn' (my photos above). The work involved a patterned layout of road flares combined with a dazzling display of vertical projectiles. Chicago first performed fireworks pieces in 1970 and this project was created in tandem with the Brooklyn Museum's new show, Chicago in L.A.: Judy Chicago's Early Work, 1963-1974.Interested? You can watch the whole piece here

24 April 2014


A cappella is often nerdy, let's be honest. But there is something adorable and sweet about this video that reminds me that a cappella can also infectious and fun. This performance—a joint endeavor by Peter Hollens, and the BYU groups Vocal Point and Noteworthy—definitely made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too!

Like a cappella? Check out this post or this one. Like music in general? Head over here.

23 April 2014


I think one of my favorite pastimes as a New Yorker is to daydream about our 'someday' house. I know lots of people, even non-city dwelling people, drift off at times thinking about their dream house, but there is a key component involved when you are a Big Apple girl: space.  For me, a home out in the suburbs means space! (And, of course, being able to paint your walls with no consequence. What a luxury!) So what's on my 'dream home wishlist' right now? Mostly, this Saarinen tulip table with a white base and a marble top which retails at between $4800 and $7800 for a 54" or 60" size. Yikes! Clearly neither my apartment nor my wallet have room for that. But a girl can dream, right?

I also have my eye on a bunch of beautiful midcentury-style pieces from West Elm right now. How gorgeous is this six drawer dresser? Not so pretty—the $999 price tag.

And, the ultimate New York fantasy: owning a car again! My mom collected and restored vintage cars for years, so I grew up with an abiding love of classic cars. I know she would swoon over this 1959 Fiat 600 (just like Jordan's, which I am so jealous of!). Being sold in California for a price tag of $23,500, I am not sure I could convince my hubby to let me buy it, but it's fun to think about anyway. And how awesome would that cross country road trip to drive it back to the east coast be?!

What's on your 'someday' list?

21 April 2014


How cool is this? Remember when Sony let loose thousands of bouncy balls to represent the HD of their new Sony Bravia tv? Well they have done it again! Sony just released a new commercial in which they exploded a volcano full of 8 million flower petals all over a small town in central Costa Rica. Gorgeous right? It's like this famous scene without the creepy undercurrents!

Read more about the project, see some behind the scenes shots and the final commercial here.

(thanks to The House That Lars Built for the tip)

18 April 2014


Happy (almost) Easter! Do you have any fun plans this weekend, whether you celebrate Easter or not? I am heading home to hang out with my family, eat way too much delicious food, and generally enjoy some nice spring weather.But you know what else I will be up to this weekend? Crafting, of course! Here are a couple of fun Easter-themed projects you might like to do too . . . 
Bunny ears headband for kids

Bunny dinner rolls

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

17 April 2014


So I just discovered the incredible online shop Poppies for Grace. It's a party supply, stationery, gift shop set up in Australia that sells everything colorful, playful and fun. Exhibit A: the gorgeously colorful confetti sets above (which I just bought for myself), not to mention Exhibits B and C: confetti filled giant balloons (what?!! so awesome!) and miniature honeycomb garlands (so fun!).

If you are a party supply hoarder like me or simply want to find something festive for an upcoming celebration, you need to check out this shop pronto! Visit the Poppies for Grace site here and prepare to have your color-loving party-throwing mind blown. :)

16 April 2014


I love me a beautiful, graphically designed video (like this one!). This lovely little clip illustrates all the amazing, complicated work done by truly gifted editors to make each film seamlessly soar through our imaginations. Made by the brilliant team at insidetheedit.com (a website devoted to teaching the art of editing), it is surely worth a quick two minute viewing.

Learn more about Inside the Edit on their website here.
(And thanks to A Pair of Pears for the tip!)

15 April 2014


Remember me? I am not sure how it happened but it's been a week since I have posted! What?! I spent the whole thing in a crazy work haze staying up all hours preparing for a lecture I gave at a symposium on Friday. Luckily the presentation went off without a hitch and I was able to spend the weekend contentedly relaxing with family and friends. I am finally feeling back to normal today and ready to rejoin the blogosphere!But you know what I am not ready to do? Succumb to the dreary rainy weather here today. Instead, I will be daydreaming about the gorgeous sunsets I witnessed (and photographed) on my trip to Hawaii two weeks ago (above). Sigh. Is it beach weather yet?
p.s. These photos aren't edited at all! The sky is really just that beautiful in Oahu!

04 April 2014


I don't know about you, but looking at these images makes me feel a little bit claustrophobic. Partially because I find these installations by the Spanish art collective Penique Productions to be breathtakingly beautiful, but also because they appear to turn their surroundings into animate beings that desperately seem to be struggling for air (let the buildings breathe!). How are these made? By giant inflatable plastic balloons that are pressurized to expand to an interior space, consequently wrapping the architecture of the room in all-consuming swaths of bright color. Lighting these elaborate constructions from outside makes the inside of these balloons-cum-rooms practically glow. Wouldn't they be fabulous to see one in person? Talk about instagram worthy!

Until we can make that happen, check out more of their gorgeous work here.

(thanks to Colossal for the tip)