I think one of my favorite pastimes as a New Yorker is to daydream about our 'someday' house. I know lots of people, even non-city dwelling people, drift off at times thinking about their dream house, but there is a key component involved when you are a Big Apple girl: space. For me, a home out in the suburbs means space! (And, of course, being able to paint your walls with no consequence. What a luxury!) So what's on my 'dream home wishlist' right now? Mostly, this Saarinen tulip table with a white base and a marble top which retails at between $4800 and $7800 for a 54" or 60" size. Yikes! Clearly neither my apartment nor my wallet have room for that. But a girl can dream, right?
I also have my eye on a bunch of beautiful midcentury-style pieces from
West Elm right now. How gorgeous is
this six drawer dresser? Not so pretty—the $999 price tag.
And, the ultimate New York fantasy: owning a car again! My mom collected and restored vintage cars for years, so I grew up with an abiding love of classic cars. I know she would swoon over this 1959 Fiat 600 (
just like Jordan's, which I am so jealous of!).
Being sold in California for a price tag of $23,500, I am not sure I could convince my hubby to let me buy it, but it's fun to think about anyway. And how awesome would that cross country road trip to drive it back to the east coast be?!
What's on your 'someday' list?