18 February 2014


How fabulous is this graphic identity/brand idea? 'Happy Pills' is a candy store based in Barcelona with a pharmaceutical theme that plays off the universal wellness symbol of the Red Cross (apparently they have recently had to modify their logo slightly after the Red Cross protested). The description of the store and it's concept on Behance is equally awesome, describing the store thusly:

Happy Pills had to be that remedy against the ails of our time: Mondays, keys that go missing, invisible friends with no imagination, the pineapple diet, global warming, square roots, the price of housing in general, and specifica boredom.

And explaining their ingredients like this:

We invented the “Composition”: 3% Sky blue, 5% Lemon yellow, 2% Dirty joke, 4% Black humour, 7% Uncontrollable guffaw, 8% La vie en rose”, 2% Tickling, 7% Oranges from China, 1% Fine British humour, 2% Galician double entendre, 6% Andalusian accent, 9% Last-minute goal, 2% Dawn essence, 7% Ho ho ho, 3% Cotton candy, 2% Aches from laughing, 5% Some like it hot, 4% Rio de Janeiro, 3% Tijuana, 7% John Cleese excipient, 6% Bunch of daisies, 5% Mediterranean Siesta.

Fabulous, right? In case you can't make it to Barcelona anytime soon to see the shop yourself, you can visit their website here.

(Thanks to Design Milk and Behance for the tip.)

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