22 May 2013


I just discovered the very cool design work by Simon C. Page for his shop Rare Minimum. This is Colossal has a great post about Page's most recent poster (above), which creates an incredibly colorful optical illusion through geometry alone. But how great are the posters below?  

I love the bold, clever simplicity of his work and am thinking they would love pretty good on my walls . . . bonus: his shop offers prints, cards and cool silhouette cut outs for your buying pleasure.
Check out Rare Minimum here, Page's portfolio here, and his blog here.

20 May 2013


I am a typography nerd. We all know that. And now you can be one too by watching this awesome video. Because everyone should know the difference between Old Style and Traditional typefaces.

Hope you had a great weekend!

16 May 2013


I am a little behind the times posting about this, but I had to share the gorgeous products on offer at Kate Spade's new line: Saturday. It features a fabulous combination of pattern and bold. bright color (you would expect nothing less from Kate Spade, right) and is meant to be a cool cousin to their main line.

Needless to say, I am in love. Seriously swooning. And much to my surprise (and delight) I am particularly enamored with their black, white and yellow combinations. They look fresh and fun and perfect for busting out on a weekend adventure.

Check out the full line here and their stylin' blog here.

14 May 2013


I'm alive! I bet you were starting to worry there. Me too! There are a lot of changes brewing over here at O.I. headquarters. Besides finishing my orals last month, I have decided to leave my job at the Whitney Museum and return to my studies full time. That means a whole lot more time to work on my dissertation and, hopefully, a lot more energy left over to buff up the O.I. I already have a long "honey do" list going, including a new personal website, revamped portfolio and, of course, a facelift for this very blog.

But in the meantime, I haven't forgotten about you! I will try to post here and there for the rest of the month but can promise to be back in full action by June when I am a free agent again!