a visual diary about the best in art, design, travel, DIY, food and fetes
12 March 2013
My tech-savvy father-in-law sent me a link last night. In my sleepy post-studying haze, I clicked through the email only to be jolted awake by one of the coolest new products I have ever seen: a bluetooth-controlled light bulb. What the what?! I feel like this is a game changer, right? Plus, it would totally help me turn off all the lights my husband leaves on when he leaves the room.
Find out more information about iLumi, the bluetooth lightbulb, and see when it will go into production here.
08 March 2013
Another week down—only three weeks left until my exam. Ah! As I type this there is a beautiful coating of snow building up outside my window, so I am trying to take that a sign to stay positive (and stay inside and study!). Hope you had a lovely week. Here are some fun links to tide you over while you hide out from the wet weather.
A Brillo Box poof, I am sure Andy would have loved it!
This looks chic and effortless and I want it.
Map + Felt = Magic.
Big news in the museum world.
These are very pretty. I think they would perfect hostess gifts, no?
I really want to meet Colonel-in-Chief Sir Nils Olav or encounter a grumble of pugs.
There is some great graphic inspiration over at Present & Correct.
I will take a K, thank you very much.
Diagrams make a big impact (including the color chart!).
A boy and his bunny, reunited!
It pays to be happy, so smile!
These would be perfect to keep my crazy life (with all its crazy stuff) in check.
All the girls in my office have these and they look great on everyone.
I am obsessed with these cheeky paper dolls: Downton Abbey characters and the boys from the show Girls. Yes!
06 March 2013
Have you seen this new Air Jordan ad? It's so cool! I love when advertisers try to do something a little different: the illuminated ball, the funky outfits, the marching band. Very sweet.
01 March 2013
How are you? It's been a while, right? Turns out that working full time and studying for the biggest graduate exam of my life at the same time is a little stressful. Who knew, ha ha?!
My apartment is literally overflowing with books (I have roughly 160 checked out from different libraries, plus all the ones I own!) and it's all I can do to keep myself from getting crushed under an avalanche of art history tomes.
Anyway, despite my hectic schedule and lengthy to do list, I do still manage to come across some cool things that I want to share with you every once in a while. So, to tide you over, here are some fun links to peek into while I fall into a black of hole of working/studying again . . .
I just want to snuggle this guy, is that so wrong?
Free cash from an ATM? Who cares if it is a gimmick!
These are combining my love of maps and tv, perfectly.
This will without a doubt make you cry, but what a story! Someone call Hollywood!
New office supplies to make me drool.
I am kinda in love with this print even though it looks very retro, you?
Slap my initials on this and I would be a happy girl.
I wish my school looked like these! I think I would be a lot happier to go there!
A cauliflower cap? Hilarious!
Sigh, if I had more free time, I would be doing this in a heartbeat.
Great party-planning advice, but no space to enact it in my tiny apartment!
And last, but not least, I think this sums up my life pretty well right now.
Have an amazing weekend! Hope to see you back here next week.
(photo from here)