Did you guys watch the Oscars last night? I had a ton of homework to do, but I decided to take a break and see how well Seth MacFarlane fared as a host. He was a little raunchy at times (as can be expected for the creator of Family Guy), but overall very very funny. I particularly loved the intro gag with William Shatner; it was smart and clever without being too dry or silly.
I was also impressed by the fashion on view . . . I'm totally in love with Jennifer Lawrence's dress (even though she fell walking up the stairs! clearly not a practical frock) and thought Amy Adams looked ravishing as usual. Did you have any favorites?
Read a complete recap and see more red carpet shots here. Watch key video clips here.
So it's been a long time since I have had a room of my own (minus the hubby!) and it will be even longer before I need to decorate a kid's room, but I am totally smitten with the amazing sheets and duvet covers on offer at the Netherlandish shop Snurk. Seriously how cool are these? I love the photorealism of them—a fitted sheet that looks like the mattress itself, a coverlet that looks like a trampoline (hard to keep them from jumping on the bed, though!), and duvet/pillow sets that make them look like the princess or astronaut they dream of being. Awesome!
Check out all the awesome options in their online shop here.
Do you have any plans for Valentine's Day? My hubby and I are celebrating with a romantic dinner tomorrow night, so for me tonight is just like any other night (well perhaps with more chocolate). I am pretty busy with work and school right now, so I thought I would keep this post sweet and to the point.
Here's an endearing little short film by Disney called Paperman. It has been nominated for Best Animated Short at the Oscars this year and—being set in '40s era New York City—represents an endearing and romantic storyline, perfect for today!
Have an amazing Valentine's Day!
UPDATE: Paperman won the Oscar for Best Animated Short. Amazing!

How cool is this? This tiny room, measuring a mere 12 feet x 12 feet x 21 feet, looks like an optical illusion. But its actually an art installation by Berlin-based artist Thilo Frank—a fully mirrored space inside and out—that reminds me of a combination of this and this. Installed at the Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg, Denmark in 2010, it is further proof that all the coolest art projects are executed in Europe.
Read more about the installation, entitled The Pheonix is closer than it appears, here.
(Thanks to Colossal for the tip.)
As you have probably figured out from reading this blog, I am very interested in the history of graphic design (see here). So it is with pure delight that I introduce you to these fabulous advertisements created by none other than Dr. Seuss (way back when he was still Theodor Seuss Geisel)! Before embarking on his uber-successful career as a children's book illustrator and author he worked as an ad man, often debuting the quirky characters that would reign supreme in his stories in later years.
Ever since college (when I worked on this show at the WCMA), I have been madly in love with the photographs of Ezra Stoller. The NYTimes did an article on his work recently—since Yossi Milo Gallery is having a show on him right now—and it made remember the wonder and mystery Stoller manages to evoke in his architectural photos.
Check out more beautiful work by Stoller here.
Did you guys watch the Super Bowl last night? I was very disappointed with the results (if my beloved Tom Tom can't win, I don't want the Ravens to! Plus how epic would that 49ers comeback have been?). My hands down favorite part, despite being a die-hard football fan, was the half time show. Beyonce blew it out of the water! I wish Jay-Z had joined her instead of Destiny's Child, but the technical aspects of the show were out of control (many secretly feel she caused the blackout)! Did you miss it? Watch the whole thing show here.
My other favorite part of the game, as always, were the commercials. This year I was pleasantly surprised by the options. There were the standard sexy lady and silly options, but if you looked beyond that there were actually some very clever ideas. Here are my favorites . . .
Cheeky car commercials . . .
Funny food features:
The NFL had some amazing ideas . . .
And then there were the tearjerkers (that Bud ad, oh man!) . . .
Which ones were your favorites? Let me know in the comments!
What are you up to this weekend? I have a ton of homework to catch up on, lots of photos from my trip to Seattle and San Francisco last week to upload, and a whole season of Downtown Abbey to watch. Hope you have great weekend; see you next week!
(photos from here and here)