Whoa, where did this week go? I have a theory that short weeks at work are actually the craziest; at least for me, I have less time to cram in more work than usual to make up for my hedonistic laziness over the long weekend. Pair that with a very busy exhibition schedule here at the Whitney Museum and I am wiped!
Do you have anything fun planned this weekend? My in-laws are coming to visit and, given the beautiful weather forecast, I am hoping to take them here and here (maybe with a stop here for a cookie in between). Hope you are going to be taking advantage of the crisp fall air wherever you are!
For those of you who are stuck inside for the next couple days, or just want some procrastination inspiration at work today, here are some fun things to keep you busy:
I don't care that this place is in Minnesota, I want to go there now.
This is hilarious (and kinda disappointing) at the same time.
I need to stockpile this and this in black or red. (Won't they look great together?)
This looks super useful, and I think I would make it my mission to top the Today Show (there version is boring!).
I have been a die-hard reader my whole life and I did not know half of these things.
I need to learn all of these (and these). Now. And I need to try to use them without giggling.
I got in on this (so smart!) and wish I had gotten in on this (cool!).
If only Nemo's Dad had had access to this . . .
Okay, maybe Facebook isn't all evil . . .
Have you seen my friend Lily's blog? It's beautiful! And so is her artwork!
This woman is incredible. We would all be lucky to have even half of her poise, grace and downright awesomeness.
And now for something completely different (only in New York!)
Have a great weekend, all! See you on Monday!
Photo taken by me, last month, at the Eastern Market in D.C. Check out more of my Instagram photos here.
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