Hello friends! I am writing from water-logged Manhattan where, as you may already know, we were hit hard by Hurricane Sandy this week. My hubby and I have had work canceled for the past three days, the subway system is still shut down, and many people living downtown are still without power or water. It is crazy!
Luckily, since we live uptown, we have maintained power, water and fairly regular internet and cell service. Still, I have seen this as an opportunity to catch up on my schoolwork and haven't managed to put together much inspiration for you here at the O.I. It's times like these, when over 8 million people on the East Coast are without power and many more have been affected by this once in a lifetime storm, that art, design, clothing and all the things I talk about here just don't seem that important and don't particularly hold my attention.
Still, this afternoon, in an effort to get into the Halloween spirit a bit, I will be putting together a special batch of baked goods, which I will post about tomorrow. In the meantime, you can read more about the storm (and see amazing pictures like the taxi lot above) here. Please send all your best thoughts our way for the epic clean up to come.