a visual diary about the best in art, design, travel, DIY, food and fetes
08 August 2012
You may have noticed that I am a bit out of it these days . . . time seems to be zooming by at lightning speed: my wedding is only about three weeks away! Since I have been spending every moment of free time checking off my endless wedding to do list items, I may have to warn you that I will be posting much less frequently than normal. But I promise I won't abandon you!
With that said I have been struggling to find inspiration that is not wedding-focused to share with you guys. In fact the only thing, of late, that I have found to be suitably jaw-dropping to post here is an exhibition at my museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art, on the work of Japanese-born artist Yayoi Kusama. Not only is she the queen of polka dots (see above) but she has a work installed on the first floor of the museum that is positively incredible. Called Fireflies, it is a shimmering room of light and reflection that you are allowed to experience, by yourself, for one magical minute. It is so lovely it is hard to explain, so go see it yourself!
Learn more about the exhibition here.
Katie - thanks for the reminder! soo looking forward to see her art & a peek inside her creative mind