I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but here in New York today is it freezing. Certainly the coldest winter day here, by far. So I think it might be fun to share some equally frigid, yet superbly beautiful things with you today. The photographs above are of typographic ice sculptures created by artist Nicole Dextras. As she writes,
The Ice Typography series consists of three-dimensional words fabricated in ice placed outdoors that speak to how the viewer’s gaze frames and informs the landscape. The installations have varied from 8-foot high ice letters on the Yukon River to 18-inch high letters set in downtown Toronto. When the ice texts are installed on site, the temperature determines how long it will take for them to change state from solid to liquid. This phase of transition becomes symbolic of the interconnectedness of language and culture to the land as they are affected by time and by a constant shifting and transforming nature.
Pretty cool, huh? I can only imagine they would be incredible to see in person, particularly being able to watch as they melt away. Learn more about her work here and here.
And while I don't completely understand exactly what is going on in the video above, I had to share it because it just looks so darn cool. I believe (but don't hold me to this!) the divers are actually walking upside down on the underside of a layer of ice? No matter which way is up or down in this video, it is still filmed with a great attention to detail: the lighting, the framing and the actions of the divers all make for a surreal scene that is totally captivating. Originally found here, though I have no other information for it . . . if you know more about the masterminds behind this video let me know in the comments!
Stay warm today all!
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