I am heading home early tomorrow morning to spend the holidays with my family (and, later, my fiancé and his family). How will you celebrate the holiday season? We have a couple of traditions we like to abide by: eating a big family-style meal with friends on Christmas Eve, wrapping each and every little thing in our stockings, opening surprise balls at Christmas dinner, etc. I can't wait to dive into them all!
To tide you over until my return next Wednesday, here are some things to explore:
—Going on a trip would be much more adorable with this.
—This looks so dreamily beautiful, like the perfect place to start an adventure.
—I want to take this guy home. So cute!
—Get lost in the stars.
—We are having a New Year's Day gathering and I would love to make these for our apartment door and use these to make a little treat.
—Super cute vintage-inspired garland.
—Looking for a 2012 calendar? Look no further!
—Need last minute gift wrapping inspiration? Check out some fabulous (and free!) ideas here, here, here, and here.
—Great garlands! Holy wreaths!
—The true meaning of Christmas, as explained by the expert.
—If I had little ones, I would definitely be making these.
—This one's for you Mom!
—Cards for next year? Cute, sweet, and hilarious.
—These tags would be perfect to top a winter wedding gift.
—Have non-believers in your midst? Have Santa send them a personalized (admonishing!) message here.
—Or Santa will reply to your letter!
—Last, and perhaps teeniest, this will make you swoon with cuteness.
Have a great holiday weekend; see you all next week!
(adorable illustration by Gemma Correll)
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