My apologies for the short radio silence here at the obsessive imagist—I had a weekend full of adventures that had me going non-stop from Thursday to Monday. I spent two days hanging out with my Mom, including wandering around the annual Brimfield Antique show* (see last year's post here) and snapping up lots of goodies. Some of my favorite purchases were: letterpress type to use in crafting my wedding invites, vintage metal lockers, a full set of blue pyrex mixing bowls, and several vintage Ball jars to store my growing collections. Still, as you can see above, lots of other things (high end and low, silly and sophisticated) caught my eye. Hope you like the them, too!
Learn more about the Brimfield show here. And get excited for another weekend update post (with links to new drool-worthy shops) tomorrow!
*As some of you may know, a month ago a freak tornado touched down in northern Massachusetts, wreaking havoc and devastation in many small towns, including Brimfield. The amount of support amidst the heart-wrenching damage (countless trees simply uprooted and tossed aside, homes destroyed and several lives lost) i witnessed in Brimfield was inspirational. If you are interested in donating to the relief effort, please go here and here.
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