This morning, despite having had an inspired weekend (including a party at Etsy headquarters and a trip to see this show), I woke up not knowing what I wanted to post for you, my lovely readers. Well, nothing solves that faster than a trip over to Pinterest. One look at my Chroma pinboard—an inspiration board devoted solely to bright happy color—and I am ready to face the (creative) day!
Have you joined Pinterest yet? If so, what's your favorite board? Looking to get in on the fun? Email me (theobsessiveimagist(at)gmail(dot)com) and ask me to send you an invite. I would be happy to hook up you, especially if you follow my boards!
See more chromatic goodness here.
(p.s. I finished my big surprise project for my man and can't wait to show it to you! I will, hopefully, be able to share it later this week. Get excited!)
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