Today is my birthday. I am turning 25! I would be hesitant to share that with you except that recently I have been coming across a ton of really adorable birthday cards and invites. Yesterday I discovered the printable balloon card above at Kate's Paperie which seamlessly fits with my balloon obsession (I ordered 30 balloons for my party tomorrow!). I love that it could be a thank you note, a greeting card or an invite! You can pick up a set of 12 for $16 here.
I also wanted to show you the absolutely adorable free e-cards available on the website Pingg (I have written about Pingg before here). Planning my little birthday shin-dig over the past few weeks--with a cupcake and cocktails theme--I immediately went to Pingg to design my invites. Given the fact that I absolutely adore bunting and garlands this bright e-card invite was perfect. I also love the fact that Pingg gives you tons of options for your design: email, print and snail mail, make thank you notes etc. You can even upload your own design and, with your event website, allow you guests to upload photos of the event later. Love it! Check out more of their awesome birthday designs here.