This morning I wanted to show you an amazing paper store I just discovered (thanks to Oh Joy! for the heads up): Minimega. Minimega is a design studio based in Denmark, which seems to be run by a lovely graphic designer named Sarah. Check out her blog here and website here (in Danish and English).
How great are these paper bags? They come in all different color stripes and are printed on 100% recycled paper with vegetable inks. You can buy one color in sets of 20 (smaller bags) or 15 (bigger bags) for €2.50 or a multi-mix (smaller bags) of colors for €13.50. Here's the kicker however. Right now Minimega only ships to addresses in the European Union. Sad, I know. Now's the time to take advantage of all your ex-pat friends and family members (Elise, I may be giving you a call!).

Besides adorable paper bags, though, Minimega also sells other paper goods: sets of really sweet notecards, sheets of wonderfully patterned wrapping paper, and brightly colored blank page notebooks. There is so much to drool over, I don't even know where to begin.