There is nothing more satisfying than sitting down and writing a nice note to a friend or loved one. For heartfelt catch-up sessions or personalized greetings, email just doesn't cut it. I really enjoy planning the typeface I will use when addressing an envelope and am particularly proud of the way this little note (sorry for the spoiler Karen!) came out with the white lettering on cobalt paper (don't mind the iffy scan).
I mention all of this because I am starting to document my package/envelope designs in an album online, in order to inspire new creations and instill a sort of visual diary of my packing skills. I hope to have the album up for your perusal soon, but until then content yourself with other wrapper's delights (pun fully intended) here.
(Also, get crazy with Martha and make a gift wrapping station here. I am not ashamed to say I have been planning one for a long long while.)
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