After posting about Jason Polan yesterday I had a flurry of responses. Turns out Jason grew up with one my friends from college, he has drawn one of my friends from work . . . the list goes on and on!
As if I didn't think so before, now it is official: Jason Polan is AWESOME. (Really, everyone thinks so, so you should too.) To celebrate this fact, I have decided to introduce you to more of his super-cool projects. The top two images are just a tiny sample from Jason's incredible book (only $20!) which chronicles, through drawing, every piece on display at MoMA in a two week period in 2005. I have a feeling artists, historians and laymen alike will find this fascinating. Read more and buy your own copy here. (It is definitely staking a prominent place in my wishlist!)
Project two (bottom two images) represents Jason's attempt to "draw every person in New York". His sketches are fanciful and quick, capturing the essence of each person in a couple of strokes and a handful of seconds. You can even make an ersatz appointment to be drawn by him by emailing where you will be and what you will be wearing at a certain time and place. I think I might have to take him up on it. Check out his ongoing blog about this project here.
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