Because of the major teaser I left you with on Sunday, I want to start off my recount of my weekend exploits with a spotlight on the lovely ladies at Salvatore Bklyn.
But first things first. I have to recount the epic journey that brought me to Brooklyn in the first place. Mind you, despite the fact that I have lived in New York for nearly a year, I have never been to Brooklyn (at least until this weekend). Deterred by the hour long subway ride, I had continued to delay the visit. After seeing the weather report for this weekend (80, sunny, gorgeous), however, I decided to dally no more and go on a little adventure, popping in at the Brooklyn Flea Market in Fort Greene and then on Lena Corwin's Studio Sale. Turns out the subway was fast and quiet and the artists, foodies and characters in Brooklyn totally made it worth it.
So, one of the best and first things I encountered at the Brooklyn Flea Market was the booth for Salvatore Bklyn! Selling homemade ricotta, freshly sliced prosciutto and organic arugula crostini these ladies made my mouth water. After several minutes of hovering, we struck up a conversation about polaroids (I was touting my 1960s era SX-70 collapsible Land Camera) and managed to come to a mutually exciting deal: one foodie shot of the booth for one delicious crostini. Hence Sunday's photo of smiling ladies holding one of my polaroids! All in all, a perfect transaction.
Need further proof that Salvatore Bklyn is awesome? Check out the opening paragraph on their website:
If cheese were a rock star, it'd be Salvatore Bklyn. It would play secret shows at the Music Hall of Williamsburg and you for sure would be on the guest list + one. The show would be packed so tight with cheese fanatics that the fire department would have to come down just to bust up the crowd. Most people would leave at that point, making plans to meet up at the nearest wine bar, but you . . . you would stay to hang out backstage, enjoying the superior farmstead goodness that can only exist through an exclusive combination of hard work, old world methods, select fresh ingredients and love.Check out more at their website here.
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