29 June 2009


My favorite curator, photographer and blogger recently gave me a great honor: the "One Lovely Blog" award! Hooray! Unfortunately I have been remiss and have delayed thanking Jessica for her kind gesture! Thank you Jessica! Check out Boston Handmade's blog here and Jessica's lovely work here.

In the spirit of the pass-it-on-style award I will now announce my honorees for "One Lovely Blog" spilling my (not so) secret sources for all of the cool things I write about here:
For nominees, the way this works:
* Upon accepting the award, post it on your blog together with the name of who granted the award with a blog link.
* Pass the award to 10 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.


  1. Thanks for the sweet note Katie :) I love reading your blog and all the inspiration you share!
