21 April 2009


I recently received Martha Stewart's Cookies for my birthday, a dangerously delicious cookbook dedicated only to Martha's best cookie recipes.  I can't wait until exams are over so I can try some recipes out!  Until then, I have been distracting myself by looking at her 'Cookie of the Day' on her website (I have included some of my favorite examples above).

Buy her cookbook here or get a daily recipe for free here.

20 April 2009


I just discovered this awesome website: Cool Hunting.  It has a ton of gift guides, awesome videos and all sorts of other cool types on websites, artists etc.  I spent a little while procrastinating this weekend by watching some the site's videos; I particularly liked this one which interviews a boutique silkscreening wallpaper shop.  It is really cool to see how everything works.  Check it out here.

19 April 2009


The Shiny Squirrel is selling this lovely print, "Monsieur IV", for a paltry $30!  It would look wonderful in a simple black frame in a guest's room or kids room . . . 

Check it out here.

16 April 2009


If you have ever read this blog, you know that I LOVE balloons.  I can't explain why.  
There are just bright and floaty (which should totally be a word) and make me happy.

For this reason, I cannot wait until Pixar's new movie "Up" comes out on May 29, 2009 (as I have mentioned before, you can check out a trailer here).  Along this same vein, I am definitely digging this photograph of a balloon line at sunset.

15 April 2009


For all of us middle school photo junkies, the images of  Richard Nicholson--who prowls the few continued use professional darkrooms in London--are like candy.  I love seeing the stacks and stacks of Ilford boxes, the old school enlargers and tack boards.  Someone in New York should open up a public use darkroom where sometimes artists like me could go to make prints and relive the glory days.  Until then, check out these gorgeous shots here.

p.s. Happy Tax Day!

14 April 2009


Also an awesome addition to any swank abode?  This "enter" doormat!  I love it!  
Perfect for any blogger geek or someone who just likes a cheeky pun . . . 

Reasonably priced at $30 over at Kikkerland here.

13 April 2009


How awesome is this light?  Take any bare bulb and fix it up with this awesome cover?  It just slides right on!  Instant cool.

Too bad it is only sold in euros on this website here. . . . 

08 April 2009


HOOOOOORAAYYYYYYYYYY!  The UCONN Lady Huskies have now won their 6th National Title, with their third undefeated season - 39-0 Baby!  While I am still sad that the boys couldn't pull it out against Michigan State on Saturday, this makes me pretty darn happy.  My family and I will be at the parade this weekend and I can promise some more glowing Husky-oriented remarks then.

Photos and video are from ESPN; read more about the game (and season) here and here.

07 April 2009


I am not sure if this hurts the sheep (I hope it doesn't), but it makes for a pretty cool effect . . . . 

06 April 2009


Sorry for the brief hiatus.  Things are starting to to get crazy with exams - so posts may be sporadic but I promise to keep at it.

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you some of the really beautiful shots being posted at the Sartorialist.  I love the way his depth of field allows the image to capture the distinctness of each place without making it the focus of the image.  The top photo, with all its postcard racks and marble pillars, is so distinctly Florentine . . .

Check more out here.